Positive impact.
Healthy returns.

Triple Jump is an impact-focused investment manager founded in 2006. The funds, portfolios and mandates we manage or advise create impact in emerging economies while generating healthy returns.

What we do

Impact themes

Financial Inclusion

Small and Medium Enterprises

Affordable Housing

Access to Energy

Climate and Nature

Our work revolves around five main development themes and subthemes: Financial Inclusion, missing middle finance (financing SMEs), affordable housing, access to clean energy, and climate and nature. We focus on them to pursue our goal of creating a more responsible and inclusive financial sector.

Global access.
Local knowledge.

Having a global network allows us to quickly respond to client needs and better understand the environments in which we operate. Local presence in the markets where we invest facilitates lasting relationships with our clients and investees.


Triple Jump at a glance*


CO2 Emissions Avoided (tCO2eq)


Technical Assistance Projects Completed


Jobs Supported (prorated)


Rural Clients Reached (prorated)


Women Clients Reached (prorated)


Financial Transactions Completed


Cumulative Capital Invested


Portfolio Companies Financed


End-clients Reached (prorated)


Assets Under Management

*Triple Jump’s Cumulative Attributed Impact Since Inception as of EOY 2023

How we invest

Triple Jump currently manages or advises on seven investment funds, portfolios, or mandates. Together, they amount to close to €1 billion in Assets Under Management.

We aim to deliver environmental, social, and financial returns by using a series of instruments such as private debt, equity, mezzanine, and fund investments, coupled with technical assistance and advisory services to our investees.


“We selected Triple Jump to co-design and manage the Energy Entrepreneurs Growth Fund as we were impressed by their understanding of impact investing in emerging markets. They were creative in overcoming barriers to launching the fund and showed tenacity in working with investors to bring this innovative fund to life. We look forward to working together for years to come”

Shell Foundation

“When looking for an experienced and well-organized team with a strong track record in managing impact funds, FMO selected Triple Jump as the fund manager to set up the Energy Entrepreneurs Growth Fund initiative. We have not regretted this choice since!”


Invest for Impact