Closing the financing gap
In Sub-Saharan Africa alone, it is estimated that over 500 million people lack access to electricity. In order to reach access to energy targets by 2030, considerable investments are needed both to expand electrification grids and extend the reach of off-grid solutions. Companies in the off-grid and mini-grid spaces face a unique set of challenges when it comes to reaching their full potential contributions to SDG7. Fortunately, the past 10 years have taught us valuable lessons about how to support these two sectors with flexible, risk-tolerant capital paired with other targeted activities designed not only to help companies succeed but to effect positive change in the whole ecosystem.
- Smart Outcomes Fund window (Result-based finance). Targeted at Green Mini Grid developers.
- Crowdlending window (co-investing – debt and equity – with Crowdlenders): targeted at off-grid solar companies (SHS, pico PV, productive use) and Green Mini Grid developers.
The Foundation’s approach to ESG and Impact management
Triple Jump has a sound expertise in developing and implementing impact management frameworks and is a signatory of the Operating Principles for Impact Management (OPIM), we go beyond impact measurement to make sure impact considerations are integrated throughout the entire investment process. CEI Africa is no different.
The Foundation is expected to contribute to SDGs 5, 7, 8, 13 and 17 by supporting economic growth and employment in off-grid communities, increased access to energy, avoiding GHG emissions, and improved gender equality.